Application Form for the Pre- Ph. D. Course Work Examination 2023-24
Application Submission Closed!.
INSTRUCTIONS FOR Ph. D. Course Work Examination 2023-24 - vko';d tkudkjh
Steps To Apply Online
Step 1 - Submit Online Application
Step 2 - Pay Examination Fee (Online)
Step 3 - Download Confirmation Page & submit a copy (duly endorsed by the competent authorities) to the office of the Director, R & D, Sleepy Hollow Kumaun University, Nainital, Uttarakhand - 263001
(Candidate is requested to retain the printout of confirmation page for future reference)
IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS*NOTE Please carefully read the detailed Instructions mentioned below before filling the examination form. ijh{kk vkosnu i= Hkjus ls iwoZ d``i;k fuEufyf[kr funsZ'kksa dk Hkyh&Hkk¡fr v/;;u dj ysaA
1. Prerequisites at the time of Examination form submission -
A soft copy of students passport size photograph (in JPEG Format) - less than 200 kb.
A soft copy of students signature (in JPEG Format) - less than 50 kb
ijh{kk vkosnu i= Hkjrs le; vko';d gSa&
fo|kFkhZ dh ikliksVZ lkbZt QksVksxzkQ dh lk¶VdkWih ¼ .JPEG QkjesV½ tks fd 200 kb ls de lkbZt dh gksA
fo|kFkhZ ds gLrk{kj dh lk¶VdkWih ¼ .JPEG QkjesV½ tks fd 50 kb ls de lkbZt dh gksA
Prerequisite details required by the students at the time of fee submission.
Last date for submitting the online application is 07.09.2024
vkWuykbZu ijh{kk vkosnu i= tek fd;s tkus dh vfUre frfFk07.09.2024 gSA mDr frfFk ds mijkUr vkosnu i= tek fd;k tkuk lEHko ugha gksxkA
A FEE AMOUNT {i.e. Course Work Fee Rs. 2,500-00, Exam Fee Rs. 2,000-00 and Rs. 50.00 Portal Charges Total Rs. 4,550-00 (excluding bank charges if any)} is to be paid online by the candidate
'kqYd dh /kujkf'k ¼dkslZ odZ 'kqYd :0 2]500-00] ijh{kk 'kqYd :0 2]000-00 rFkk :0 50-00 iksVZy 'kqYd & dqy :0 4]550-00 ¼cSad pktZ ;fn gksa rks i`Fkd ls ns; gkasxs½ vkWuykbZu ek/;e ls tek djuk vfuok;Z gSA
It is mandatory to submit the hard copy of the completed application form to the Director, R & D, Office at Kumaun University, Sleepy Hollow, Sukhatal, Nainital till 12th September, 2024
ijh{kk vkosnu i= dh gkMZ dkWih dks iw.kZ dj funs'kd] ,l0 vkj0 vkbZ0 lh0 lh0 dk;kZy;] Lyhih gkWyks] lw[kkrky] uSuhrky esa fnukad 12.09.2024 rd tek djuk vfuo;Z gksxkA
The Provisional Admit Card issued to the candidate is solely based on the online application form filled by the candidate. If at any stage it is found that the candidate is not eligible for the applied examination or there is any concealment of facts by the candidate in the examination form University reserves the right to cancel his/her candidature and result without any prior information.
fo'ofo|ky; }kjk ijh{kkFkhZ ds vkWuykbZu ijh{kk vkosnu i= esa nh x;h lwpukvksa ds vk/kkj ij vufUre izos'k&i= tkjh fd;k tk jgk gSA ;fn fdlh Lrj ij ;g ik;k tkrk gS fd og lEcfU/kr ijh{kk ds fy;s vgZ ugha gS vFkok mlds ijh{kk vkosnu i= esa dksbZ rF; fNik;k x;k gS rks fo'ofo|ky; fcuk fdlh iwoZ lwpuk ds ijh{kkFkhZ dk vH;FkZu rFkk ijh{kkQy fujLr djus dk iw.kZ vf/kdkj gksxkA
If any discrepancy is found out in your name, father's name etc., kindly submit an application in your Examination Centre for correction.
;fn vkids uke] firk dk uke o vU; izfof"V;ksa esa fHkUurk ik;h tkrh gS rks vius ifjlj@egkfo|ky; dks izkFkZuk i= ek/;e ls lwfpr djus dk d"V djsaA
Tentative date for Commencement of Examination will be announced separately.
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Uohure lwpukvksa ,oa tkudkfj;ksa gsrq bl oSclkbZV dks le;& le; ij ns[krs jgsaA